solve the issues to future
The RaeeCycling project is based on a step-by-step process that innovatively combines physical principles and is managed by a computer system based on A.I.and self-learning.
The process management software We have identified a preliminary PCB mapping system, which allows the recognition and location of addressable particles for recovery.
We use machines already on the market, which have been re-engineered to integrate particular functions and improve their use in the recycling process
No recycling process currently used by competitors manages to achieve these results. The recovery capacity of other processes is up to 40%..
Approximately 13,000 tons of electronic cards are sent to separate collection in Italy. Of these, only 3,000 tons are recycled. The remaining 10,000 tons are exported for processing abroad
187 Kg
12,8 Kg
12,5 Kg
11,5 Kg
8,4 Kg
0.7556 Kg
0,456 Kg
0,2962 Kg
0,0008890 Kg
0,0536 Kg
There are considerable amounts of WEEE containing Rare and Precious Metals in Europe
In order to promote the recovery of WEEE and to reduce its quantity and hazardousness, the European Union has issued Directives aimed at prioritizing recycling and, therefore, the reuse of the different components.
With the RaeeCycling project, we aim to innovate the sector while exploiting the vast potential of the EU’s secondary resource sector with a technologically innovative, low-cost and environmentally friendly solution..
We can recover metals, rare minerals and other natural materials considered essential for a wide range of industrial ecosystems, which present a high risk in terms of supply.
With a patented, technologically advanced, economical and eco-friendly process.
Through the automation of the process managed entirely by an AI-based MES system capable of setting the machines according to the raw material to be extracted.
of the raw materials on the electronic board, but also of the components.
PCBs stands for Printed Circuit Board.
It is a printed circuit board, a board that uses copper conductors to create electrical connections between various components.Check if there is a municipal collection service in your area, alternatively, take your WEEE to municipal collection points or retailers.
Every time you decide to keep a WEEE in your drawer or dispose of it incorrectly, new natural resources have to be used to build electronic devices with further CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Plastic, aluminum, iron, copper, critical raw materials.
Critical raw materials are classified as follows by the European Commission based on two parameters:
> High economic importance
> High risk associated with their supply.
Rare earth materials used in the production of EEE fall into this classification.